
Category High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
Event Duration 2023-01-31 - 2023-02-04
Conference Name The 2nd NCTS/UCAT/NTHU International Astronomy Winter School

Welcome to the 2nd NCTS/UCAT/NTHU International Astronomy Winter School, jointly organised by National Center of Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), the University Consortium of ALMA-Taiwan (UCAT), and National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Astronomy (NTHU), to be held in early 2023. The school will be on Magnetism in Star-Forming and Galactic Environments, covering topics in interstellar magnetic fields, star-formation, galactic and extra-galactic magnetism and cosmic ray propagation.

The winter school will include five primary lecture series, two keynote lectures and six highlight science talks from leading international and local experts over the course of 1 week. The school will be of a hybrid format; open to both on-line attendees and on-site participants at the NCTS Headquarters, at National Taiwan University, Taipei.

Registration is required. There is limited travel and lodging support for junior participants.

● Registration deposit for on-site participation

There are 88 places for on-site attendance.

A deposit of 500 NTD will be requested from on-site participants after their place is confirmed. The deposit will be returned at the end of the school if attendance is met at 80% of the program.

We expect that on-site places will be heavily over-subscribed. After applying, the organizing committee will inform successful applicants if they have a place shortly after the on-site registration deadline. Applicants who are not allocated an on-site place will be invited to join remotely (no deposit payment required).

For participants wishing to join on-site, financial support is available.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided to on-site participants on each day of the event.

● Remote participation is free of charge and will be limited to 500 attendees. Registration is required.
A link will be provided each day to attend the school live. Discussion is encouraged between the participants via Zoom and Slack. Participants in a different time zone can also catch up via a Youtube Channel. 

Please go to the registation page to fill in the sheet. 

The organizers thank the University Consortium of ALMA-Taiwan (UCAT), and the National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division (Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Group) for supporting this event.

Sign Up Duration 2022-10-31 - 2022-12-30
Location Cosmology Hall 4F Lecture Hall