[NTU-NCTS String Seminar] QCD thermalization in high-energy nuclear collisions

  • Event Date: 2023-07-28
  • High Energy Physics and Astrophysics High energy theory
  • Speaker: Prof. Aleksas Mazeliauskas (CERN, Heidelberg University)  /  Host: Profs. Yu-tin Huang & Pei-Ming Ho (NTU)
    Place: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

Title:[NTU-NCTS String Seminar] QCD thermalization in high-energy nuclear collisions
Speaker: Prof. Aleksas Mazeliauskas (CERN, Heidelberg University)
Time: July. 28, 2023 (Fri.) 14:30-15:30
Venue: Rm. 815, Dept. of Physics, NTU

Abstract: IHeavy-ion collisions at BNL’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and CERN’s Large Hadron Collider provide strong evidence for the formation of a
quark-gluon plasma. Effective weak-coupling QCD descriptions and strong-coupling holographic approaches support the rapid thermalization
picture in large collision systems. The outstanding question in QCD is whether the hydrodynamically-flowing quark-gluon matter forms in even
smaller collision systems. On the opposite end of the energy scale, the emerging collectivity in strongly-correlated few-body systems can also
be studied in table-top experiments with ultracold atomic gases. In this talk, I will review the state of the art of QCD thermalization studies
and identify promising connections with cold-atom experiments.