Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Cameron Foreman (Quantinuum, United Kingdom) Relaxing assumptions in Device-independent quantum cryptography Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang(NCKU)
Dr. Eric Brunner (Quantinuum, United Kingdom) Data-driven approach to mixed-state multipartite entanglement characterisation Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Dr. Chung-Yun Hsieh (School of Physics, University of Bristol, UK) Can we stochastically distil quantum steering and measurement incompatibility? Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang (NCKU)
Mr. Yu-Hao Yeh (Rice University, USA) Quantum simulation of FFLO superfluid Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang (NCKU)
Dr. Zi-Yu Liu (Dept. of Physics, NCKU) Photonic Quantum Manipulations by Harnessing Quantum Frequency Conversion Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou (NCKU)
Prof. Chia-Hsiang Lin (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, NCKU) Quantum AI for Hyperspectral Satellite Image Restoration Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou (NCKU)
Mr. Sung Won Yun (KAIST, Korea) Training parameterized quantum circuits for optimal measurement Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Miss Jiyoung Yun (KAIST, Korea) Nonlocal Network Coding in Interference Channel Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Kuei-Lin Chiu (Dept. of Physics, NSYSU) Flux tunable graphene-based superconducting quantum circuits coupled to 3D cavity Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou (NCKU)
Mr. Kuan-Yi Lee (Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research & Technology, NCKU) Coherent activation of a steerability-breaking channel Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen(NCKU)
Dr. Ruoyu Li (Imec, Belgium) Solid state qubits with industrial CMOS technology Prof. Tse-Ming Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Yung-Fu Chen ( Dept. of Physics, NCU) Slow and stored light via electromagnetically induced transparency using a superconducting artificial atom Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen(NCKU)
Prof. Guang-Yin Chen (Dept. of Physics, NCHU) Tunable Sensitivity in Non-Hermitian Systems Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen(NCKU)
Prof. Ite Yu (Dept. of Physics, NTHU) High-Brightness and Narrow-Linewidth Source of Heralded Single Photons Generated from a Hot Atomic Vapor Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen(NCKU)
Mr. Peter Sidajaya (Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, Singapore) Bayesian Retrodiction Approach to Reverse Processes Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang(NCKU)
Prof. Hong-Bin Chen(Dept. of Engineering Science, NCKU) Deep learning the nonclassicality within quasi-distribution representations from marginals Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen(NCKU)
Prof. Tzu-Chieh Wei (Stony Brook University, USA) Simulating large-size quantum spin chains on cloud quantum computers Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang (NCKU)
Prof. Tzu Ling Chen(Dept. of Photonics, NYCU) Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Fabry-Pérot Microcavities: Exploring Novel Optical Phenomena for Quantum Information Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou (NCKU)
Prof. Kai-Min Chung (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica) On the Impossibility of General Parallel Fast-forwarding of Hamiltonian Simulation Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou(NCKU)
Prof. Chern Chuang, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Nevada Spectroscopic signatures of short- and long-range excitonic interactions in organic photovoltaic materials Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou (NCKU)