Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Kuan-Ting Lin (Dept. of Physics, NTU) Single-Atom Microwave Amplification Assisted by Multi-Rabi Sideband Interference in a 1D Waveguide QED System Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Jehn-Ruey Jiang (National Central University) [Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] Benchmarking Quantum, Digital, and GPU Annealers Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan
Zong-En Chen (NTU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Improving the performance of weak supervision searches using transfer and meta-learning
Francisco Vazao (Max Planck Institute) [NTU-NCTS String Seminar] The Asymptotic Structure of Cosmological Integrals Prof. Yu-tin Huang
Li-Ying Chou (NCU)  [TCA Student Seminar] Scalar Gravitational Waves in the Universe Driven by a Minimally-Coupled Scalar Field  Dr. Min-Kai Lin (AS)
Tsung-Han Ai (NCU) [TCA Student Seminar] A Unified Model for Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars: Kinematic and Mixing Structures in HH 30  Dr. Min-Kai Lin (AS)
Prof. Yi-Zhuang You (UCSD) Machine Learning Renormalization Group. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Wen-Te Liao(Dept. of Physics, NCU) Gravitationally sensitive structured x-ray optics using nuclear resonances Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
Prof. Dominik Zumbühl (University of Basel & NCCR SPIN) [Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] Building Spin-Orbit Qubits with Holes in Silicon and Germanium Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan
Dr. Kevin J. Sung (IBM) [Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] ffsim: faster simulations of fermionic quantum circuits Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan
Prof. Jiunn-Wei Chen (NTU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Where we are in understanding parton distributions from first principles Dr. You-Ying Li 0415
Prof. Yingfei Gu (CASTU) Reviving the Lieb–Schultz–Mattis Theorem in Open Quantum Systems. Prof. Chia-Min Chung (NSYSU)
Prof. Kay Wiese (CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris) [NCTS-Phys seminar] Force correlations in disordered systems, sandpiles and hyperuniformity Dr. Hong-Yan Shih (Academia Sinica) 0408
Riccardo Gonzo (University of Edinburgh) [NTU-NCTS String Seminar] Gravitational bound waveforms from amplitudes Profs. Yu-tin Huang & Pei-Ming Ho (NTU)
Dr. Hugues Beauchesne (NCTS) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Dark matter semi-annihilation for inert scalar multiplets Dr. You-Ying Li 0401
Fei Teng (Penn State University) [NTU-NCTS String Seminar] Gravitational waveform from scattering amplitudes Profs. Yu-tin Huang & Pei-Ming Ho (NTU)
Prof. Jyong-Hao Chen (National Central University) [Joint CQSE & NCTS Seminar] Bounds on quantum adiabaticity in driven many-body systems and applications to adiabatic quantum computation Prof. Hsi-Sheng Goan
Hsin-Pei Chen (NTHU) & Yu-An Chen (NTHU) [NCTS Astrophysics Lunch Seminar] Type Ia Supernova Progenitors and Surviving Companions within the Symbiotic Channel & Finding Mysterious Planet 9 in AKARI Image Dr. Min-Kai Lin 0329

The Future is Flavourful
Dr. Henry Tsz-King Wong (Academia Sinica) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] The TEXONO Program on Neutrinos, Dark Matter, and Gravitation Wave Research Dr. You-Ying Li 0325