ntroduction to Entanglement Perturbation Theory

  • Event Date: 2016-03-01
  • Speaker: Prof. Sung Gong Chung (Western Michigan University)  /  Host: Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen (NCKU)
    Place: R49101 (First Floor), Second Physics Building , NCKU


The most fundamental problems in theoretical physics are to solve the Schroedinger equations and the partition functions of many-body systems such as electrons. Representative many-body methods include dynamical mean field theory, density functional theory, Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization and numerical renormalization group. In this talk, I will introduce a relatively new entanglement perturbation theory. The idea is to calculate strong correlation without renormalization group, and its mathematical realization is singular value decomposition (SVD), namely divide and conquer. Based on some typical models, I will discuss its success so far.