[NCTS-Phys seminar] Probing a quantum Bose metal state via electrons: non-fermi liquid scattering and pseudogap

  • Event Date: 2023-12-18
  • Computational quantum materials
  • Speaker: Prof. Wei Ku (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & Shanghai Jiao Tong University)  /  Host: Prof. Chi-Cheng Lee (TKU)
    Place: 4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU & Webex online

Title:Probing a quantum Bose metal state via electrons: non-fermi liquid scattering and pseudogap
Speaker:Prof. Wei Ku (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Date:2023/12/18 (Mon.)
Place:4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU &
Meeting Number:2550 894 9940
Password:TG31 (8431 from phones and video systems)
Non-Fermi liquid behavior and pseudogap formation are among the most well-known examples of exotic spectral features observed in several strongly correlated materials such as the hole-doped cuprates, nickelates, iridates, ruthenates, ferropnictides, doped Mott organics, transition metal dichalcogenides, heavy fermions, d- and f -electron metals, etc. We demonstrate that these features are inevitable consequences when fermions couple to an unconventional Bose metal mean field consisting of lower-dimensional coherence. Not only do we find both exotic phenomena, but also a host of other features that have been observed e.g. in the cuprates including nodal anti-nodal dichotomy and pseudogap asymmetry(symmetry) in momentum(real) space. Obtaining these exotic and heretofore mysterious phenomena via a mean field offers a simple, universal, and therefore widely applicable explanation for their ubiquitous empirical appearance.

T. Hegg, J Hou, and Wei Ku, PNAS 118, 10.1073 (2021)
X. Yue, et al, NJP 25, 053007 (2023)
S. Jiang, L. Zou, and Wei Ku, PRB 99, 104507 (2019)
Y. Yildirim and Wei Ku, PRX 1, 011011 (2011)