Minimal unimodular integer quantum Hall states and their fractional descendants

Title:Minimal unimodular integer quantum Hall states and their fractional descendants
Time:2023/06/16 (Fri.) 14:00
Place:4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU

We present the theory of short-range entangled chiral quantum Hall state at integral fillings $\nu=4$ and $\nu=8$. They are the fermionic $SO(24)$ and bosonic $E_8$ states, with the former being a super-symmetric version of the latter. Their thermal Hall conductances are characterized by the chiral central charges $c=12$ and $c=8$ respectively. The violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law, $c\neq\nu$, distinguishes these topological states from the conventional filled Landau levels. We theoretically construct these states by an electronic coupled-wire model with exactly solvable many-body interactions. We discover a family of long-range entangled fractional quantum Hall states that partially fill the $E_8$ and $SO(24)$ states. These fractional phases feature either Abelian or non-Abelian topological order. Some support the emergence of non-local Dirac and Majorana fermions, Ising anyons, metaplectic anyons, Fibonacci anyons, and other fractional universal quasiparticles.