[NCTS-Phys seminar] Exploring correlated topological phases in quantum materials

  • Event Date: 2024-03-12
  • Computational quantum materials
  • Speaker: Mr. Tsung-Chi Wu (Department of Physics, Rutgers University)  /  Host: Prof. Guang-Yu Guo (NTU)
    Place: 4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU

Title:Exploring correlated topological phases in quantum materials
Speaker:Mr. Tsung-Chi Wu (Department of Physics, Rutgers University)
Date:2024/03/12 (Tue.)
Place:4F Lecture Hall, Cosmology Hall, NTU
Condensed matter physics has been actively engaged in the quest for real materials that manifest experimental observables linked to theoretical models depicting exotic quantum phases. Recently, strongly correlated and topological phases are two essential branches of quantum phenomena under intense investigation. Quantum materials exhibiting both phenomena hold immense potential for supporting emergent quantum phases, but are rare. In this talk, we discuss our recent endeavors to experimentally realize a materials platform connecting the theoretical models that describe quantum phases exhibiting the coexistence of correlated and topological phenomena, i.e., correlated topological phases. We focus on a specific system featuring a tunable interplay of topology and electronic correlations. Finally, we comment on the future directions in this fascinating field.