Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Jan Tristram Acuña (NTHU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Phenomenology of compact objects from a first order phase transition in the dark sector
Dr. Van Que Tran (Academia Sinica) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Self-Interacting Vector Dark Matter in a Standard Model-like Dark Sector
Dr. Mohamed Krab (NTU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] New Channels for Light Charged Higgs Boson Searches at the Large Hadron Collider.
Dr. Geraint Evans (AS) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] 3D Baryon crystal from the chiral anomaly
Prof. Xiao-Gang He (NTU & Shanghai Jiao Tong U.) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Flavorful Dark Matter and B to K+invisible decay
Prof. Abdesslam Arhrib (Abdelmalek Essaadi University) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] New Discovery modes for a light charged Higgs boson at the LHC.
Prof. Yen-Jie Lee (MIT) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Searches for collective flow in Small Collision Systems
Prof. Chung Kao (OU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Charming Phenomenology of Two Higgs Doublet Models
Prof. Yi Yang (NCKU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Quarkonium physics at the STAR experiment
Prof. Pai-hsien Jennifer Hsu (NTHU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Quantum Entanglement in the Large Hadron Collider
Dr. Ryutaro Matsudo (KEK) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] muTRISTAN
Prof. Chien-Peng Yuan (MSU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Comments on Higgs Boson Physics at the LHC
Kuan-Nan Lin (NTU) [TCA Student Seminar] Recent Fashions in Black Hole Information Paradox with Euclidean Quantum Gravity --- Island, Wormhole, and Spacetime Bubble Dr. Min-Kai Lin (AS)
Prof. Chuan-Ren Chen (NTNU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Phenomenology of millicharge particle and axion-like particle in the dark sector
Dr. Rachid Mazini (AS) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Overview of the future High Granularity Timing Detector in the ATLAS experiment: Physics potential and status
Zong-En Chen (NTU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Improving the performance of weak supervision searches using transfer and meta-learning
Prof. Jiunn-Wei Chen (NTU) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Where we are in understanding parton distributions from first principles Dr. You-Ying Li 0415

The Future is Flavourful
Dr. Hugues Beauchesne (NCTS) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] Dark matter semi-annihilation for inert scalar multiplets Dr. You-Ying Li 0401
Dr. Henry Tsz-King Wong (Academia Sinica) [NCTS Seminar - Particle Physics Journal Club] The TEXONO Program on Neutrinos, Dark Matter, and Gravitation Wave Research Dr. You-Ying Li 0325