Seminars 專題演講

Event Date Speaker Title Host Notes
Dr. Tomonori Ugajin (OIST) Applications of relative entropy to entanglement, chaos, and holography Prof. Po-Chung Chen
Prof. Che Ting Chan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Topological Photonics and Phononics Prof. Guang-Yu Guo (NTU)
Prof. Shizhong Zhang (University of Hong Kong) P-wave Fermi gas: Normal state properties and Fermi liquid description Prof. Sungkit Yip (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
Prof. Masaki Tezuka (Kyoto University, Japan) Quantum Lyapunov Spectrum: application to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and a random-field quantum spin chain Prof. Miguel A. Cazalilla
Dr. Peng-Jen Chen (Academia Sinica) Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators Prof. Germar Hoffmann (NTHU)
Dr. Hung-Yu Yang(Boston College, USA) The Effect of Topology and Magnetism on Extreme Magnetoresistance Prof. Miguel A. Cazalilla
Prof. Feng-Li Lin 林豐利 (Dept. of Physics, NTNU) Application of optomechanics on gravitational wave detection Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou(NCKU)
Prof. Chun-Liang Lin 林俊良(NCTU) Spectroscopic Appearance of Topological Nature in Two Weyl Semimetals Prof. Germar Hoffmann (NTHU)
Prof. Richard Korytar (Charles University, Czech Republic) Transport and incommensurate quantum-size oscillations in oligoacene molecular wires Prof. Miguel A. Cazalilla
Prof. Ching-Yi Lai 賴青沂(Institute of Communications Engineering, NCTU) Interactive leakage chain rule for quantum min-entropy and its applications Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou(NCKU)
Dr. Gelo Noel Tabia (Dept. of Physics, NTHU) Improving the ability of mixed states to perform teleportation Prof. Li-Yi Hsu (CYCU)
Prof. Shu-Jung Tang 唐述中(NTHU) Uncovering the germanene saga Prof. Germar Hoffmann (NTHU)
Dr. Chang-Tse Hsieh 謝長澤 (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Japan/The Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan) Topological Aspects of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem Prof. Wei-Min Zhang(NCKU)
Prof. Watson Kuo(Prof. Watson Kuo) 超導量子電腦的現況與展望 Prof. Li-Yi Hsu (CYCU)
Prof. Pin-Jui Hsu 徐斌睿 (NTHU) Pursuing Majorana Zero Energy Mode in Topological Superconductor Prof. Germar Hoffmann (NTHU)
Dr. Jen-Tsung Hsiang(Univ. of Maryland, USA) Gaussian open systems at strong coupling Prof. Chung-Hsien Chou(NCKU)
Prof. Jiun-Yun Li (NTU) Two-dimensional electron/hole gases in undoped Si/SiGe and Ge/GeSi heterostructures Prof. Germar Hoffmann (NTHU)
Dr. Ravishankar Ramanathan, University Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Randomness Amplification and Relativistic Causality Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang(NCKU)
Prof. Claude Fabre (Sorbonne Université) Quantum frequency combs: highly multimode entangled and non Gaussian quantum states Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU)
Prof. Keisuke Totsuka (Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University) Hunt for symmetry-protected topological phases in SU(N) ultra-cold fermions in one-dimensional optical lattices Prof. Sungkit Yip (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)