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TG1.2: Quantum physics and engineering
I. Coordinator:Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU)
II. Core Members:
Center Scientists
Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU)
Prof. Wen-Te Liao (Phys/NCU)
Core members
Prof. Yi-Hsin Chen (NSYSU-Phys)
Prof. Ying-Cheng Chen (IAMS-AS)
Prof. Hsiang-Hua Jen (IAMS/AS)
Prof. Guin-Dar Lin (Phys/NTU)
Prof. Yen-Hsiang Lin (NTHU-Physics), NTHU Hub
Prof. Jun-Yi Wu (TKU-Phys)
Prof. Shin-Tza Wu (CCU-Phys)
Dr. You-Lin Chuang (NCTS)
Dr. Shiue-Yuan Shiau (NCTS)
Dr. Jayanta Bera
III. Research Themes:
There are many promising platforms to study quantum physics and quantum engineering, from atom- molecular-optics (AMO), solid-state, NMR, to superconducting systems. In particular, the studies on light-matter interaction is the key scenario with the ability to prepare, manipulate, and detect the resulting quantum outcomes. Quantum optics and optical spectroscopy are at the heart of the advances in experimental quantum science. In Taiwan, we have colleagues working on photonic quantum state generation and detection, quantum memory based on light-atom interaction, circuit-QED with Josephson junctions, quantum gases in Bose-Einstein condensates, and precisions spectroscopy with atoms and ions. In relation to quantum physics and quantum engineering, we have identified the following subjects as being important in the next decades in this theory space:
(a) Quantum Optics, with the connection to quantum information processing;
(b) Quantum Gases, with the connection to many-body physics and quantum simulation;
(c) Cavity-and Circuit-QED, and Quantum Interface, with the connection to quantum computing; (d) Quantum assisted High Precision Measurements, and Quantum Metrology.
IV. Activities:
(a) Development of quantum computing platforms
Currently, the community of superconducting-qubit QC is being built up in Taiwan. On the other hand, the mature silicon industry in Taiwan provides perfect opportunities for the development of silicon-based quantum dot QC. These directions of research involve experts in fundamental physics, engineering, and fabrication, aiming at the construction of large-scale qubit platforms with great controllability, high fidelity, and fault-tolerant technologies. One alternative realization is through atomic systems such as trapped ions and Rydberg atoms. These qubits are perfectly identical in nature without the need for further calibration, ideal for storing information for a long time, and faithful state manipulation.
The manpower includes experiment groups led by
(1) Superconducting qubit systems: Io-Chun Hoi (NTHU), Yen-Hsiang Lin (NTHU), Cheng-Chung Chen (NTHU), Watson Kuo (NCHU), and Chii-Dong Chen (IOP, AS);
(2) Quantum dot systems: Jiun-Yun Li (NTUEE), Shih-Yuan Chen (NTUEE) and Chi-Te Liang (NTU);
(3) Trapped ion and Rydberg atom systems: Ming-Shien Chang (IAMS, AS) and Yi-Hsin Chen (NSYSU) with theoretical support from Hsi-Sheng Goan (NTU) and Guin-Dar Lin (NTU).
(b) Atomic ensemble quantum memory, EIT physics, and photon sources
Atomic and molecular physics and quantum optics have been a key ingredient in quantum state manipulation and devices. The recent development in quantum engineering and device design relies on understanding light-matter interaction. We here focus on coherent interaction between light and matter at the single-atom or atomic ensemble scale, ranging from few-body systems and atom ensembles (trapped ions, NV-centers in diamond, cold atoms/molecules) to large-scale architectures of artificial units (quantum dots, superconducting circuits, optomechanical resonators). By working on atomic ensembles via the effect of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), nontrivial atomic and photonic coherence can be engineered to realize quantum (photon) storage, light squeezing, and non-classical light sources. Also, the storage and retrieval of quantum optical information in photonic band-gap micro and nano- meta structures will be studied. The manpower includes experimental groups led by Ite Yu (NTHU), Ying-Cheng Chen (IAMS, Academia Sinica), and Yong-Fan Chen (NCKU) with theoretical support of Ray-Kuang Lee (NTHU), Wen-Te Liao (NCU), Hsiang-Hua Jen (IAMS, Academia Sinica), and Guin-Dar Lin (NTU).
To sum up, we find that the main experimental implementations and efforts are mostly conducted at NTHU. Considering the geographical convenience and social network, we think the Hsinchu site can serve as a very good research hub for a thematic group of this category quantum hardware engineering.
V. Expected achievements: